Saint like, i'm holy. Get it?
Harry Potter <3
Harry Potter <3
Harry Potter <3
No matter how much they change the story in the movies from the books. There is nothing as good as Harry Potter!
Saw the Deathly Hallows last night. Pretty damn awesome i must say

And what else can i say, of course it wasn't nearly as good as the book. And they changed so much, i was really suprised over some stuff!
But it was brilliant, it was saint like, as George would have said!

And my darlings were great as always, saint like!
Dobby, a free elf <3
Harry Potter <3
Harry Potter <3
No matter how much they change the story in the movies from the books. There is nothing as good as Harry Potter!
Saw the Deathly Hallows last night. Pretty damn awesome i must say

And what else can i say, of course it wasn't nearly as good as the book. And they changed so much, i was really suprised over some stuff!
But it was brilliant, it was saint like, as George would have said!

And my darlings were great as always, saint like!
Dobby, a free elf <3